Our Services

Restorative Dentistry


Emergency Exams

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Minor Oral Surgery

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Removable Partials & Complete Dentures

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Root Canal Therapy

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Denture Repairs

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Dental Care
for the whole family

At WMS Family Dentistry, we provide our patients with a wide variety of dental services including cleanings, exams, composite fillings, crowns and bridges-both cemented and removable, oral surgery, endodontics (root canals), dentures and much more. As well as many same day denture repairs. Together we have combined our talents to provide our patients with a more personal one on one office providing excellent dental care.


Adult Care


Child Care


Family Care

Emergency Exams

Should our patients have a dental emergency, we are committed to treating our patients in a timely and caring manner. During these exams, we evaluate for any sources of infection or pain and treat as indicated. Exams usually involve an x-ray, evaluation of teeth and gums in the painful area, and planning for any treatment required. Some treatments can be initiated and/or completed at this appointment.

If you have a dental emergency, please call us.


Fillings are placed after the removal of small cavities. Composite, or white fillings, are placed to blend in with the color of your teeth after the cavity has been removed. These fillings are also bonded to the tooth and contoured to resemble the natural tooth structure. In limited cases, amalgam (metal) fillings are advised- these fillings are contoured to resemble the natural tooth, but are a silver color. These fillings are sometimes preferable due to their longevity and natural sealing ability.


Tooth-Supported: Sometimes when a cavity exceeds 50% of the tooth’s remaining structure or the biting function of the tooth is compromised, a crown is recommended. A crown is a type of dental restoration that covers the entire tooth and spreads out the forces of biting more evenly. Crowns often save broken teeth and teeth with large fillings from cracking and then requiring extraction. After having the crown cemented in place, it looks and acts like a natural tooth.

Implant Crowns: When single teeth are lost, a dental implant can be placed to replace the missing tooth. A dental implant consists of 3 parts though- the implant body (acts as the root), the crown (acts as the tooth you see), and the abutment (the part that connects the implant body to the crown). A custom impression is made and sent to the lab so a crown can be made to resemble and function like the missing tooth that fits to the implant body and abutment.

Bridges: A bridge is sometimes another recommended option to replace a missing tooth or teeth in your mouth. However, bridges are fixed and not removable. The teeth adjacent to the missing tooth/teeth are prepared for a tooth-supported crown, and then the bridge is custom made to have an artificial tooth connected between the crowns on the adjacent teeth. The bridge is cemented in place and looks and functions like the natural teeth.

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is performed on teeth after they have become infected from large cavities or injury. During a root canal, the pulp (the inner most layer of the tooth that contains the nerve and blood supply of the tooth) is removed and thus removes the source of the infection and/or pain. Without root canal treatment, infection could progress and abscess.


If teeth are not able to be restored, extraction is indicated. Some common reasons teeth are extracted include severe gum disease, large cavities extending below the gum level near the bone, very little healthy natural tooth structure remaining, and cracks extending to the nerves and roots. In addition, extraction of wisdom teeth is often recommended if the jaws do not have enough space to allow them to erupt or if it is difficult to keep them clean due to their location.

Read more about our Patient Post Op Instructions if you just underwent an extraction procedure.

Minor Oral Surgery

In some limited cases, such as small biopsies or removal of small tori (bony protuberances) to allow a denture or partial denture to fit, surgical procedures can be performed in-office.

Removable Partials & Complete Dentures

Dentures are removable prosthetics that replace missing teeth. If you are missing all of your teeth on the top and/or bottom, these can be replaced with a complete denture. If you are only missing some teeth, a partial denture can be an option for filling the spaces. Dentures and partials can aid in restoring functions of chewing, communicating, and smiling. No matter how many spaces we are replacing, all options are made to fit your bone and gum architecture.

Denture Repairs

Many denture repairs can be completed the same day, in-office including fractures and missing teeth. If a repair is more advanced, we work with the lab to have the denture repaired and returned to you as soon as possible.

Preventive Dentistry

Whether you have a tooth ache, need a cleaning, lost a filling or need comprehensive care, we provide a wide range of dental services for our patients.

Cosmetic Dentistry

There are many options to treat the things you may dislike about your teeth, like veneers, teeth whitening and bleaching, bonding, Invisalign and much more.

Our Technology

We use the latest technology in digital x-ray, panoramic x-ray, office automation and equipment to assist and compliment our skills for your benefits.